That's just about the sum of why my blogging has slipped and why this will be relatively short. This wouldn't always have been my superpower, funnily enough as a kid I wished and wished that I could get a pair of imaginary flippers to wear to the school swimming sports so I could blitz, make the school team and score myself a pair of the illustrious blue, red and gold togs. Oh to have a pair of those for swimming and not just the plain navy ones...!
Alas not much else seems to have changed in the swimming stakes, must just not have it in my jeans. Seems very unfair given the amount of my youth spent cutting laps in the pool. So in an effort to improve have started some stroke correction, watch this space, old habits are hard to break. But I will give it my all.
In other training news I've hit my longest run for ages, 24km, and didn't I know it. Haven't felt that running pain for ages, kind of good but kind of a wake up too, I will blame a small part of it on having to run in old runners. Managed 90km on Monday today, felt the thrill and the pain of riding in a pack. The great ease of sitting on the back and the helplessness of falling off the back of it. Must keep resilience building!
Bed post all that training calls... My aim this week is to fit that illusive ninth session in...if only I had an extra hour in the day!
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