Sunday, September 22, 2013

Travel destination training

I've always wanted to write a book about running, particularly my travel adventures and running. I'm still sure there is a lonely planetesque guide waiting to be written for the travel exerciser enthusiast, particularly these days. I used to be pretty much the lone crazy runner from the hostel, these days I'm not so sure. 

Anyway writing this blog is giving me the opp to realise some of those lost opportunities.

So over my many years of backpacking and travelling it is customary for me to start my running reccy as whatever mode of transport brings you into town. There are generalities that abide to most locations. A source of water is always gold. River, beach, lake, water normally equates to a path. Enter my favourite overseas run of all time - lake in Hanoi. More to follow. If no water source is apparent or you know it is unlikely that a suitable road will be available (eg Sth East Asia) a local oval is always good to satisfy the running itch. 

So as my husband/travel buddy is scoping the best pubs my eye is keenly scanning the surrounds to tap into local paths, notice where other people seem to be gravitating to. I feel like I have almost developed a sixth sense for it. 

One of the other benefits to getting out for a jaunt, aside from the obvious - more room for good travel food and drink, is that often it gives you a head start as to local hotspots. The ground you cover is greater and the sights you see endlessly entertaining. The number of good bars, cafes, local handouts I have gleaned through this mode of transport is endless. Again more to follow. 

Anyway back to travel destination training. Byron Bay definitely comes in at a high on my list of training destinations. These last couple of days have been a delight and some milestones, albeit small, achieved. Managed a midweek rest day to start, gasp, then a cheeky 12km lighthouse trip, a casual roll the legs over before a chilly 3km swim in the local pool, supposed to do a 30km run this morn but due to GPS trouble and heat, think it was only 27km, made up for it with a plunge straight into the ocean and about 12km walking. 

All of that equals a delightful drunk dizzy feeling in my legs with the first beer of evening. Yum.

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