Thursday, November 14, 2013

Red dot focus

Wow just three sleeps to go. Though predicting sat night will be equivalent to a half sleep. Such a manic week at work haven't had time to contemplate - though did get some butterflys after my sister sent through a pic of the countdown! 

Last little jog this morning akin to riding up the champs d'lyse, a victory trot around the tan with my possie, though it did actually felt like an effort, trying really hard to trust this taper process but it is hard. On the upside there are lots of carbs to consume and water to be drunk.

Monday is checked and my preventative flat tyre preparation complete, fingers et al crossed that is not an issue. 

Fuel plan revised and just made up my best yet effort of power balls, almost motivated to start riding just to eat one...almost! 

So with some red dot focus I'm off to bed!

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